Status Request (the payment outcome can be obtained using either status request, or the statusUrl)Content-Type: application/json All requests are via HTTPS GET
Fields marked as "No" (not required) are optional
Key | Required? | Type | Example |
gatewayReference Note: unique reference of the payment assigned by Latitude Checkout. Also used for order management requests - Void, Capture and Refund. The "purchase" response will contain this field | Yes | string max length 128 | 906f5b69-255d-4f26-a81f-ca0d2c47fe35 |
Status ResponseContent-Type: application/json
(Note: polling via statusUrl will return the same fields)
Key | Type | Example |
merchantId | string max length 128 | T123344 |
storeMid Note: Echoed from Purchase Request | string max lenght 15 | 12345678 |
isTest Note: false for production true for sandbox environment | boolean values: true, false | true |
amount Note: rounded to 2 decimal places | float | 320.00 |
currency Note: ISO 4217 standard | string values: AUD, NZD | AUD |
result Note: submitted - Payment request accepted initiated - Payment in progress completed – Payment approved failed – Payment declined/has errors cancelled – Payment cancelled | string values: submitted, initiated, completed, cancelled, failed | completed |
transactionReference Note: unique reference of the transaction assigned by Latitude Checkout | string max length 128 | abcd767623x |
gatewayReference Note: unique reference of the payment assigned by Latitude Checkout. also used for order management requests - Void, Capture and Refund | string max length 128 | 906f5b69-255d-4f26-a81f-ca0d2c47fe35 |
merchantReference Note: echo from purchase request unique reference of an order assigned by the merchant | string max length 128 | 9097775 |
transactionType Note: sale – Instant payment flow (merchant is instant settlement) authorization – Deferred payment flow (merchant is deferred settlement) | string max length 128 values: sale, authorization | sale |
maskedPan Note: Customer’s 16-digit (masked) account number. For printing on Merchant Sales Receipt, first 6 digits and the last 4 digits | string max length 16 | 521893XXXXXX1234 |
promotionReference Note: The Interest Free Payment Plan (promotion) | string max length 128 | 2012 |
authCode Note: The Authorization Code for approved payment | string fixed length 6 | 039488 |
message Note: Valid values when result=failed are: no-promotion, excluded-items, lest-than-minimum-purchase-amount, more-than-maximum-purchase-amount | string max length 128 | lest-than-minimum-purchase-amount |
Sample status response