Purchase RequestContent-Type: application/json
Fields marked as "No" (not required) are
Please select your platform type:
Purchase API
Key | online?platformType=direct | instore?platformType=instore-pos | instore?platformType=instore-direct | Type | Example |
merchantId Note: This is a merchant identifier assigned to the merchant | Yes | Yes | Yes | string max length 128 | T000400100 |
isTest Note: set false for production set true for sandbox environment | Yes | Yes | Yes | boolean values: true, false | true |
amount Note: rounded to 2 decimal places total amount to be charged to the customer Includes totalShippingAmount (if totalShippingAmount is present) | Yes | Yes | Yes | float | 320.00 |
currency Note: ISO 4217 standard, currently restricted to "AUD" and "NZD" | Yes | Yes | Yes | string values AUD, NZD | AUD |
merchantReference Note: Unique reference of an order assigned by the merchant with the Supported Special Characters: ` % & ( ) - _ = + [ ] | : ' , . / ? | Yes | Yes | Yes | string max length 36 | 9097775 |
promotionReference Note: If not required, the promotion options will be facilitated by Latitude Checkout | No | No | Yes | string max length 128 | 2012 |
totalShippingAmount Note: rounded to 2 decimal places, Optional. If present, the amount field must be inclusive of totalShippingAmount | No | No | No | float | 20.00 |
platformType Note: Meta data for merchant integration type | Yes, value direct | Yes, value instore-pos | Yes, value instore-direct | string max length 128 | see specific value |
platformVersion Note: Meta data for merchant platform version eg. 0.0.1 | No | No | No | string max length 128 | 0.0.1 |
salesId Note: required for instore integrations only | Not applicable | Yes | Yes | string max length 10 | Operator01 |
storeMid Note: This ID will override the default settlement ID that is associated with the credentials. In some cases, this ID will be the store-level merchant ID used for settlement | No | Yes | Yes | string max length 15 | 123456789 |
terminalId Note: required for instore integrations only | Not Applicable | Yes | Yes | string max length 8 | T00101 |
autoCapture Note: Only applicable for deferred settlement Merchants | Not Applicable | No | No | string max length 8. Values: full, partial | full |
customer See Customer Map | Yes | No | Yes | Object | See Customer Map |
shippingAddress See Address Map | Yes | No | No | Object | See Address Map |
billingAddress See Address Map | Yes | No | No | Object | See Address Map |
orderLines See Order Lines Map | Yes | Yes | No | Object | See Order Lines Map |
merchantUrls See URLs Map | Yes | No | No | Object | See URLs Map |
Customer Map
Key | online?platformType=direct | instore?platformType=instore-pos | instore?platformType=instore-direct | Type | Example |
firstName | Yes | No | No | string max length 128 | John |
lastName | Yes | No | No | string max length 128 | Citizen |
phone | Yes. Note: Customer's mobile number Australian or NZ only. Can include the Country Code +61 (Australia) or +64 (NZ). No country code will also be accepted | No. Note: the Latitude Checkout Merchant Order Summary form will allow the Sales Staff to enter the mobile number. AU numbers must start with 04 or 05, NZ numbers must start with 02 | Yes. Note: Customer's mobile number Australian or NZ only. Can include the Country Code +61 (Australia) or +64 (NZ). No country code will also be accepted | string max length 128 | AU 04XXXXXXXX / NZ 02XXXXXXXX or where country code is required AU +614XXXXXXXX / NZ +642XXXXXXXX |
email | Yes | No | No | string max length 128 | john.citizen@email.com |
Address Map
Key | online?platformType=direct | instore?platformType=instore-pos | instore?platformType=instore-direct | Type | Example |
name | Yes | No | No | string max length 128 | John Doe |
line1 | Yes | No | No | string max length 128 | 100 Spencer Street |
line2 | No | No | No | string max length 128 | |
city | Yes | No | No | string max length 128 | Melbourne |
postcode | Yes | No | No | integer | 3000 |
state | Yes | No | No | string max length 128 | Vic |
countryCode Note: iso-3166-1 alpha-2 | Yes | No | No | string max length 128 | AU |
phone Note: Recipient's mobile number Australian or NZ only. Do not include the Country Code | No | No | No | string max length 128 | AU 04XXXXXXXX / NZ 02XXXXXXXX |
Order Lines Map (repeat for multiple orderLines
Key | online?platformType=direct | instore?platformType=instore-pos | instore?platformType=instore-direct | Type | Example |
name | Yes | Yes | No | string max length 128 | Nora Practice Tank |
productUrl | No | No | No | string max length 255 | https://store1.lmerchant.com/product/nora-practice-tank |
sku | No | No | No | string max length 128 | WT03-S-Purple |
quantity | Yes | Yes | No | integer | 2 |
unitPrice Note: rounded to 2 decimal places, tax inclusive | Yes | Yes | No | float | 50.10. 0 (zero) is accepted if the unitPrice represents zero value products (eg. free shipping) |
amount Note: rounded to 2 decimal places, tax inclusive | Yes | Yes | No | float | 100.20 |
requiresShipping Note: if true, totalShippingAmount must be populated | Yes | Yes | No | boolean values. true / false | true |
isGiftCard Note: if true, the product being purchase is a giftcard and giftcard exclusion rules will apply if they are enabled | Yes | Yes | No | boolean values. true / false | true |
goodsTaken Note: Mandatory when autoCapture=partial, to indicate which orderLines are 'taken now' by the Customer | Not applicable | No. Note: If autoCapture=partial, then must be present in all order lines | No. Note: If autoCapture=partial, then must be present in all order lines | string if present, values true, false | true |
URLs Map
Key | online?platformType=direct | instore?platformType=instore-pos | instore?platformType=instore-direct | Type | Example |
complete Note: used to redirect customer after payment is approved or declined | Yes | No | No | string max length 255 | https://store1.lmerchant.com/payment/complete |
cancel Note: used to redirect customer back to shopping cart on merchant store | Yes | No | No | string max length 255 | https://store1.lmerchant.com/payment/cancel |
Purchase ResponseContent-Type: application/json
Please select your platform type:
Purchase Response
Key | online?platformType=direct | instore?platformType=instore-pos | instore?platformType=instore-direct | Type | Example |
merchantId Note: echo from purchase request | Yes | Yes | Yes | string max length 128 | T000400100 |
merchantReference Note: Unique reference of an order assigned by the merchant | Yes | Yes | Yes | string max length 36 | 9097775 |
gatewayReference Note: unique reference of the Payment assigned by the Latitude Checkout. also used for order management requests - Void, Capture and Refund | Yes | Yes | Yes | string max length 128 | 906f5b69-255d-4f26-a81f-ca0d2c47fe35 |
amount Note: echo from purchase request | Yes | Yes | Yes | float | 320.00 |
currency Note: echo from purchase request | Yes | Yes | Yes | string values AUD, NZD | AUD |
result | Yes. | Yes. | Yes. | string | see specific allowed values |
error Note: populated if error occurred | Yes | Yes | Yes | string | error text: one or more products are not valid for interest free purchase |
redirectUrl Note: To load Latitude Checkout hosted screens | Yes | Yes | Yes. Note: always empty | string | |
statusUrl Note: Url for polling the payment's outcome/status | Yes. Note: always empty | Yes | Yes | string | |
manualPaymentUrl Note: Used to load the Latitude Checkout Manual Payment screen | Yes. Note: always empty | Yes | Yes | string |